aya goddess pour
October 4 & 5, 2019
Tucson, Arizona
Brilliant Greetings, Goddess!
AYA would like to personally invite you to a special Goddess Pour ayahuasca ceremony retreat weekend on October 4 and 5 in Tucson, Arizona.
This retreat is open to women and individuals identifying as women only. It will also be facilitated and guided by women. As we prepare for the Full Moon on October 13, it’s an intimate opportunity to connect to the spirit of Divine Femininity and Sisterhood. This weekend includes two ayahuasca ceremonies and other plant medicine ceremonies including hapé, bobinsana, and cacao if the spirits call.
AYA Goddess Pour
Friday, October 4 at 5 p.m. to Sunday, October 6 at 11 a.m.
Tucson, Arizona​ $400
As experienced ayahuasca facilitators, we understand the importance of integration. The majority of work we have to do does not come in Ceremony, although sometimes it feels like it. Rather, it comes afterwards when we get home and return to our families, our jobs and our dirty, messy lives. It really helps to have support in place. We’re grateful for the opportunity to help set you up for success and really reap the benefits of your ayahuasca experience. We’ll be providing an intimate, connected experience during the weekend in a safe and loving environment so that you can return home feeling nurtured and empowered.
We will be gathering in small groups to craft our intentions, help each other process our experiences and guide each other through the integration process before we leave. Please note our retreat doesn’t end until 11 a.m. on Sunday morning. Although you are free to stay longer, please know that by securing seats with us you are committing to stay until at least 11 a.m. It’s very important to us that you check in with us and receive integration support. Please be sure to bring a journal, or your preferred means of capturing your thoughts. We will also be creating a special Facebook group just for this weekend, so that you don’t have to worry about getting contact information from the amazing goddesses that you meet.
We hope you’ll consider joining our sacred Goddess circle and come together with your sisters to celebrate and delight in the Mother in us all.
Your sisters at AYA
Arizona Yagé Assembly
(520) 777-1348
AYA Ceremony Registration Check List
Apply for Ceremony by clicking here: Health Form Please use the number “55555” when completing your health form.
Complete your Questionnaire by clicking here: Questionnaire Please use the same number “55555” when completing your questionnaire
Once you have received an email confirmation from us that we have room for you, please provide your donation by logging into your PayPal account at www.paypal.com The amount of your donation will be shown in your confirmation email. For this weekend the donation is set at $400. Our email address is paypal1@aya.guide
Once you have provided your donation and we have reviewed your records you will receive a confirmation email confirming your attendance at Ceremony. You will receive further information approximately one week before Ceremony and the driving directions approximately 3-5 days before the event.
You can also provide your donation through the Wix app (mobile only) at http://wix.to/7UA2A2I You will still need to complete steps 1 and 2.